Thursday, January 31, 2008

MaKena is really starting to fill out. It seems like our little girl is getting bigger everyday. Her skinny little legs aren't so skinny anymore! She enjoys colorful toys and tries to 'bat' at them when laying on the floor or sitting in her favorite bouncy chair.
We are so lucky to have such a content little girl. When we talk to her she seems to listen and stares right at us. She is still sleeping in Mom & Dad's room but we are going to try moving her into her crib this weekend in her own room.
Sleeping in Mom & Dad's room

A little 'smirk' for the camera!

Picture Update 1-31-08

MaKena is starting to smile more often now.

Mom & MaKena

MaKena's favorite place to sleep is on Dad's chest.

MaKena is starting to see better and enjoys colorful objects.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I don't have a new update just some new pictures. The first 2 pictures were taken on the 15th the third picture was taken on the 19th and the last one was taken last night. She is getting bigger every day.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome to MaKena Rose's very own Blog. I've created this site to keep everyone informed and up to date on little Miss MaKena. MaKena was born on Wednesday, December 19th at 3:10pm. She weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 20.4 inches. She is now almost 4 weeks old and weighs just over 8 pounds. At her 2 week check-up she was 8lbs 1oz. She really loves her food! Our next apt is February 21st. She'll get her 2 month shots. I'm not looking forward to that. So far MaKena has been a very good baby. She doesn't fuss too much. Only when she's hungry and when she starts to get over tired. She loves to be held and talked to. The last week or so MaKena has been sleeping for 5-6 hours during the night. I love when she does this. I just hope it only increases. Jacob loves having a baby sister. He loves to hold her and he helps me keep an eye on her if I have to leave the room. If MaKena starts to fuss, Jacob loves to try and calm her down. He is such a good big brother. Lane and I feel so blessed.