Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Emma's Birthday Party!

Emma Rose (Jen and Nate’s daughter) celebrated her 2nd birthday in March. (I know I’m behind on pictures again!!) I couldn’t resist posting some of these. They are too cute. See for yourself! I didn’t get any good ones of MaKena because she was too busy walking around checking everything out.

Emma and Karisa in a serious conversation. I'm not sure what it was about but it looks very important to Karisa!!
Karisa kept grabbing chips off the table and eating them. It was cute.
Mmmmm, these are good chips!
Emma saying cheese for the camera. She loved her little chair!
Emma got this pretty dress from Great Grandma Ivy. It has a little kitty on it so Emma was giving it kisses. If you look close (or click on the picture to make it bigger) she is giving it fish kisses!!
Emma got a little cake on her hands and she didn't like it (as you can see from the picture). She doesn't like to get dirty!

Monday, April 27, 2009

My First Piggies!

We finally got MaKena in her first piggy tails! She looks so cute and so grown up in them. Lane was thrilled! So was Papa Lonnie!

MaKena clapping with her piggy tails in!
A better picture of the piggies!
I sure there will be plenty more days of piggies in this little girls hair! We love piggies!

I love these kids!

MaKena had her 16 month check-up last Friday. She is slowly creeping up the charts. She weighs 22lbs 4oz. Lane and I were trying to guess how much she weighed. We weren’t close. Lane said 27lbs and I said 25lbs. She’s really packed on the weight, or at least it looks like she has but the scale said different! I can’t remember how tall she is but I know she’s growing in length faster than she’s growing in weight. She’s getting close to outgrowing some 18 month shirts, not the pants though! We found out that MaKena really loves to play outside. She has a fit if Jacob is outside and we come in when we get home from daycare. She loves to walk up and down the driveway but she doesn’t like to walk in the grass. Lane put her wagon together this weekend and gave her a ride in it in the basement. She loved it.

On Saturday Jacob had his first soccer game. It was interesting! They got beat 6-0 but he still had fun and it wore him out! Hopefully the next game goes a little better. He still enjoys playing so that’s all that matters. Last Thursday Jacob finished the first spring session of swimming lessons. He finally jumped off the diving board. I was so proud of him. He said it was scary but then he said it was fun. He finally passes level 2 so this week he starts level 3. He was excited!

MaKena feeding herself. What a mess!!
Jacob and MaKena playing with a diaper box. Who knew a diaper box could be so much fun!
Peek-a-boo! It was the funniest thing when MaKena would lift the flap up and peek out. She would laugh every time. Goofy girl.
I love my big brother!
Big hugs!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just some randoms

Things are good and busy at the Huseby house. Hopefully they will slow down, but it doesn’t look like it will anytime soon. It’s hard to believe Easter has come and gone. Now the next big thing…….Lane and I are heading to Vegas! And we can’t wait. We take off this Friday and come back on Monday. So it’s a quick trip but it will be so much fun. We are going with Eric and Beth Mauch and Chris and Cassie Tremel. It should be a good time. I’ll post about it when we get back, well, what I can post about!!

Jacob is busy as ever. He tried out for the school play over a month ago and they still haven’t been able to perform yet (they had to reschedule because of the flood). They have it scheduled for this Saturday (the 18th) at 1:00 and 3:30. Unfortunately we’ll be in Vegas so I am stopping in to watch their dress rehearsal on Friday. I can’t wait to see it. Jacob is so excited about the performance. He loves to sing so this is right up his alley! Not only has he been busy with play practice, he also started swimming lessons two nights a week. Seems like we are on the go all the time with him but its good. It keeps him busy, which is good. Soon we’ll be throwing soccer into the mix. I always wonder how my parents did it with 4 kids going all different directions!

Speaking of being busy, that sums up Little Miss MaKena. She is busy, busy, busy. She managed to learn how to climb up and down the steps last Friday at Nana and Papa’s. It’s a good thing we have a gate because I’d probably lose her in a couple seconds now. It’s amazing how fast she can get around. And boy has she become a little drama queen. She knows how to work those tears in her favor! I’m not sure where she gets that from! Her personality just grows and grows every day.

The basement is coming along. It’s getting to the final stages. We are so excited. Especially Jacob! He loves his baby sister but I think he’s ready for his own space where she can’t tear all his stuff apart. As soon as it’s complete I will post pictures. I can’t wait! Enjoy the new pictures below!

MaKena playing with Daddy's hair.
Daddy throwing MaKena in the air.
This picture is a little blurry because Lane was tossing MaKena in the air and I was trying to get her reaction. She was laughing so hard.
MaKena and cousin Karisa sitting on Uncle Jason's lap.
MaKena wearing the headband Jacob got for her at school.
MaKena and Jacob watching TV one Saturday morning.