Monday, November 30, 2009

Watching Dora

MaKena LOVES to watch Dora. If I let her she would probably sit in front of the TV 24/7 watching Dora. And it’s so cute to listen to her as she yells out backpack and map and some other random things Dora ask. She zones out and you can barely get her to look away when she’s watching Dora. And don’t even think about turning Dora off before the episode is done. I guess there could be worse things, right?

Jacob and MaKena watching Dora. It almost looks like MaKena is telling me to hurry up and take the picture. But she's actually saying cheese!
Here she is completely zoned out!
I'm not sure what was going on in this picture. Jacob wanted me to add it to the post!
Must have been a good part of the show!
So serious.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Family Fun

Lane was trying to rest one night on the couch and the kids decided it would be fun to pile some of MaKena's blankets and toys on top of him. The entire time they were running back an forth between the couch and MaKena's room they were giggling. They were having a lot of fun!

A quick picture of the kids. MaKena looks so funny in this picture!
A picture of the pile of blankets and toys they brought out.
Daddy tickling MaKena.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Untitled Post

Daddy's little girl! She likes to snuggle, sometimes!
And daddy really likes to snuggle with his little girl. Can you tell?
Can we say adorable?! I put piggies in MaKena's hair again a few weeks ago and I had to take a few pictures. She looks so cute.
I think she's zoning out in this picture!
Doesn't she look so grown up with piggies in?

Friday, November 27, 2009


I couldn’t resist. I thought these pictures were so darn cute. MaKena loves to put shoes on. As you can see in the pictures below she was wearing Daddy’s shoes. They looked like big clown shoes on her. And she found her tooth brush in the bathroom and was “brushing” her teeth. Although I’m sure she didn’t get them very well!!

She really is a goofy girl. You should have seen her try to walk with these shoes on!
Trying to take a step with daddy's shoes one. Not the easiest thing to do!


Back in October I took the kids to the cities for one of my dad’s cousin’s 25th Wedding Anniversary. We headed down Saturday morning and got to the hotel early enough to take the kids swimming. All the kids (MaKena, Jacob, Mallorie, Karisa and Emma) had a blast swimming. We then got the kids ready to head to the dance. The kids were so excited to go dancing. They danced their tails off and before we knew it it was time to head back to the hotel to go to bed. We had a lot of fun spending time with the family. The girls (Emma and MaKena) had a lot of fun playing together in the hotel room.

Jacob and MaKena dancing.
Justin and Mallorie goofing around.
A bunch of the kids dancing. McKayla, MaKena, Jacob, Mallorie, William and Karley.
Me and MaKena. Jacob took this picture!!
I love this picture. Jacob looks like he's really getting into his dancing with MaKena!
Can you tell he loves his baby sister?!
Sunday morning, the girls watching cartoons.
Aren't they cute?!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Jacob!

Can you believe this cute little baby is now.......
this handsome boy? Where did the time go?

Happy 9th Birthday my sweet Jacob! I hope your birthday is as special as you are. I'm so honored to be your mom. You are the most caring and loving little boy I know with the biggest heart. You would do anything for anyone. You make me so proud every day. Happy Birthday Jacob! I hope you get everything you wish for. I love you to the moon and back buddy!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

High Heels

This is just a silly post of MaKena wearing her high heels and diaper. This summer Nana and Papa picked these high heels up for MaKena and I joked around saying she doesn’t have anything to wear them with so I’d take a picture of her with her high heels and diaper on. Well here they are!! It is hilarious to see her walk in these, she does really well but she doesn’t like them on too long. I think they hurt her chubby little feet! She’s already finding out that shoes may be cute but they aren’t comfortable!!

MaKena wouldn't stand still so I could get a good picture of her and her high heels. Goofy girl!
Aren't they hilarious?!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

West Fest Parade

Back in September, I know these pictures are old, MaKena and I went to the West Fest Parade. We met Nana and Papa there. My plan was to stay for the first part of the parade and leave when Lane’s float went through but MaKena was doing so good we stayed until it was almost over. She had a blast and the weather was great. We sat in the shade under a tree which worked out great. She was fascinated by all the people and floats. She really loved the go carts/race cars that started the parade. I can’t remember who drives them but she loved them. I thought she’d get scared when the fire trucks went by and turned their sirens on but she loved that too. I tried to get some pictures of Jacob but he was on the opposite side of the street handing out candy. He had a lot of fun being in the parade with Lane and his co-workers.

She really loved the go carts/race cars. Can you tell?!
She loved waiving her flag.
This was taken when the loud fire trucks were driving by.
This is Lane's work. Can you see Jacob in the green shirt on the far side of the car?
Lane waiving at MaKena. (He's driving the car!)

Fall Fun!

About a week and a half ago I took the kids out to my mom’s to help her clean her yard. She had a lot of leaves and I thought it would be fun to rake a pile and let the kids jump in. I have to say I was shocked by all the leaves she had. I’ve never seen that many leaves in her yard before. The kids had a blast playing outside and helping grandma. MaKena wasn’t too thrilled about playing in the pile of leaves at first but after she saw Jacob jump in she decided it was OK. And man did she have fun. I tried to get some good pictures of the kids but MaKena wouldn’t sit still long enough. I figured out how to use the continuous shot on my camera so I got some really neat pictures of the kids while they were jumping/playing in the leaves. Mom and I got sick of raking leaves so we decided we needed to figure out how to get the bagger on the mower. We were pretty impressed with ourselves when we figured it out. Once we figured that out, picking the leaves up wasn't so bad! We had a fun day playing outside at Grandma’s and helping her get her yard leaf free, for now!

MaKena helping grandma pick leaves up. She would pick them up one at a time and put them in the bag.
Notice the one leaf in her hand. She was so proud of herself for helping grandma!
Putting her leaf in the bag.
MaKena getting familiar with the pile of leaves. She didn't like going in the pile at first.
The kids having fun playing in the leaves.
Jacob relaxing in the leaves.
The next 3 pictures I took using the continuous shot button. This is Jacob getting ready to jump in the pile of leaves.
Jacob jumping in the leaves. Notice he's standing on his tip toes.
And now he's in the pile of leaves!
This was one of the only shots I got of both kids looking at the camera.
I love this picture!!
This one too!

MaKena doing peek-a-boo. I used the continuous shot on the last 6 pictures.
I see you!!