Monday, February 27, 2012

A visit with cousin Georgia

The Friday after Christmas my cousin Georgia from Wyoming was in Fargo for a quick visit. Mom planned a pizza party for all of us at the nursing home with Grandma Vivian. It was fun to see Georgia as its been a couple years since she's been in town. She brought her 5 month old daughter Avery along for the visit. All the kids, and adults, just loved baby Avery. We visited for awhile and then Grandma was getting tired so we called it a night. It was a great night with family and I look forward to the next time Georgia visits Fargo! (Hopefully next time I'll make sure my camera battery is fully charged!!)

Mom, Grandma Vivian, Jerene, Mallorie, Georgia, Avery and MaKena visiting at the table.
Another picture of the ladies visiting.

A silly face from MaKena!

Grandma Vivian with her newest great grandchild.

Mallorie holding baby Avery.

Emma holding Avery with Grandma Kathy's help.

MaKena's turn!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christmas with the Husebys

Christmas with the Huseby Family was celebrated the Tuesday after Christmas this year. Brad, Anita & family, Brec & Isabel, Bussy, Mom & Dad, and Lane & MaKena celebrated with a late lunch and gift opening. Jacob got the flu bug so Jess had to stay home with him. We did our annual "secret" gift exchange which is always fun. We look forward to many more Christmas celebrations with Ma & Pa Huseby!!

Alexis playing the piano with Isabel. MaKena was singing along!

MaKena really enjoyed opening gifts with everyone.
MaKena with her La La Loopsy doll from Brec & Isabel.
Brandon got an Under Armour "Big Logo" sweatshirt from Nana & Papa
This year we gave the kids gift certificates to Scheels. It was either that or stinky underwear since we didn't get any ideas from them.............
Bussy gave MaKena a book from the Pride of ND show. She loved it, especially when Bussy was reading it to her.

MaKena loves horses! Nana & Papa spoiled her with more horses for her collection.
A new outfit from Nana & Papa.
Isabel with her La La Loopsy accessories.
Alexis and her endless roll of dollars from the "Money Machine"
More horses from Brad & Anita.

We continued the tradition of giving books of our family showing pictures from the prior year.
Brec and Isabel checking out some new toys.
Dad got the landscaping lights he was hoping for!!

Later in the day Dan, Derek, Bryan, Beth and Brynlee stopped by.
Brynlee walking with Grandpa Dan.
More gifts for baby Brynlee
We brought Jacob and Jessica's gifts home to open. Jacob holding his new roll of toilet paper.

Bussy gave the boys Nerf guns.
MaKena helping mommy open her gift.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

8 Years

I can't believe it's been 8 years since you left this world. It feels like yesterday. I wish I could talk to you one more time. I wish I could hug you one more time. I wish I could tell you I loved you one more time. I wish I had just one more day with you but then I'd still ask for one more day after that. I'm jealous of everyone who still have their dad. I wish I still had you here. I think about you every day. I miss you so much. I love you dad.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Christmas with the Redfields

We celebrated Christmas with the Redfields the Monday after Christmas. It was a little different this year but we still made it feel like Christmas. Mom made a delicious turkey dinner with all the fixings. My mouth waters now just thinking of it. After a late lunch we cleaned up the dishes and got ready to open gifts. We all gathered around the tree in the family room this year with Grandma Vivian. The kids dug into their gifts and before we knew the gifts were all opened and the kids were off playing with their new toys. Lane, Nate, Jason and Pat went back to playing cribbage while us ladies visited and kept the kids in line. Later on in the evening mom thought it would be a good idea for Jen and I to dig out our old Barbie stuff. One thing led to another and before we knew it we were digging out a boxes of old toys, pictures and even our letterman jackets from high school. We had a lot of fun talking about old memories!

Grandma relaxing down by the fireplace.

The little girls sitting at the table eating lunch. MaKena, Emma and Karisa.

Pat teaching Lane and Nate how to play cribbage.

The boys!

Mr. Gunnar exploring mom's house!

Karisa and MaKena waiting to open gifts.

Karisa, Emma and MaKena before the gift opening.

MaKena and Jacob.

All the little grand kids. Mallorie, Karisa, Gunnar, MaKena, Jacob and Emma.

The kids are ready to open some gifts!!

Jacob and Mallorie helping Gunnar open one of his gifts.

Karisa with her noise maker from us. Now she just needs to remember to bring it to the Fargo Force Hockey games!

Emma with her Lincoln Logs from us.

MaKena with her Prince Eric and Princess Ariel dolls from Jen and Nate. She loves them!!

A new backpack from Jason and Jerene!

And a new hat.

Jacob with his new sweatshirt from Jason and Jerene.

All three little girls with their new Rapunzel doll from Grandma Kathy.

Jacob and Mallorie with their new games from Grandma Kathy.

Grandma cuddling with Gunnar.

The kids playing in the basement.

Jen and I digging through our old Barbie stuff with a little help from MaKena and Gunnar.

The old letterman jackets! Doesn't Jason look impressed. We made him take a picture with us!

Check out Jen's face in this picture. She was a little excited!