Saturday, December 22, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

Monday before Halloween we brought the pumpkins inside and got to work carving them.  Jacob dug in no problem but MaKena was hesitant.  Eventually she got her hands dirty and realized it was a lot of fun!  Once we got all the gunk out of the pumpkins the kids each picked a picture out of our pumpkin carving book and Lane and I went to work.  The pumpkins turned out really cool but for some reason I didn't take a good picture of end product.  Oops.  Oh well, maybe I'll remember next year.
Jacob, Lane and MaKena cleaning the pumpkins out.
Digging out the pumpkins.
MaKena trying to tell us why she didn't want to clean her pumpkin out.
Jacob cleaning the seeds out of his pumpkin.
Jacob trying to show MaKena the stuff inside the pumpkin isn't that bad!
Finally digging in!

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