Monday, April 8, 2013

Birthday party!

I'm back!!  Sorry for the lack of updates the last 3 months.  To be honest, its been extremely difficult to sit down at the computer after spending a full day at work in front of the computer.  I've got several post in the works so check back frequently.  We're going all the way back to the beginning of December!! 

On Saturday, December 1st we celebrated Jacob's 12th birthday and MaKena's 5th birthday.  I still can't believe my children are that old.  Where has the time gone?  The kids had a good party. Unfortunately they had to compete with the Bison playoff game that was on in the background!  My kids were spoiled by all their aunts and uncles and grandparents.  They are loved, that's for sure!  The kids opened gifts  together and then we headed upstairs to sing happy birthday and have some cake an ice cream.  It was a great party and we were glad so many of our family members could come help us celebrate with the kids.

MaKena and Jacob before opening their gifts.
MaKena with her new shirt and sweatshirt from Nana and Papa.
Jacob with his new sweatshirt from Nana and Papa.
Jacob with his new Bison shirt.
And a Twins sweatshirt!
Reading a Birthday card to MaKena.
More fun gifts from the family!
The kids getting ready to blow the candles out.
No boyfriends or girlfriends!

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