Thursday, August 4, 2011


Another year of baseball has wrapped up. Where has the summer gone? Jacob enjoyed playing baseball again this summer. He was on the same team as last summer, with a few new kids, so it was fun to see everyone again. This year instead of a pitching machine the kids pitched to each other. Some games got a little longer than others. We did have some real nail bitters too. A majority of the time Jacob played in the outfield and at the plate he got several hits. He's not a real but threat at the plate but hopefully with time he'll get a little better. All that matters now is he enjoys playing and I enjoy watching him grow and have fun. Hopefully next year he'll be with the same group of kids as they played really well together.

At the plate.

Jacob getting ready to hit the ball!
He made it to 1st!!

Running home!!

Throwing the ball.

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