Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pool Fun

We’ve had an extremely hot summer this year. We’ve taken MaKena’s pool out on several occasions and she just loves to swim in it. Next year I will need to get her a bigger pool. This particular day was extremely hot and if I remember correctly I was starting to fall asleep in the chair while watching her swim!! Ah, the lazy days of summer. I’m sure going to miss them when the snow starts flying.

MaKena cooling off in the pool.
Looking cute while adding a little more water to her pool.

Here is a sequence of pictures taken while MaKena was jumping into the water. I love taking the pictures to see how they turn out. Her face expressions are priceless! Here she's getting ready to jump.

Jumping in the water.


MaKena getting ready to jump again.

I love her face in this picture! She was having fun.

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