Sunday, March 16, 2008

3 Months........

WOW! Where does the time go? It’s hard to believe March is already here. Last week was a big week for both me and MaKena. On Wednesday I went back to work after having 12 weeks off and MaKena started daycare. I’d have to say I had a harder time with this than MaKena. Lane and I both took her on the first day of daycare. I was doing good until I walked out the door. I couldn’t hold it in anymore and I shed a few tears. I never went through this with Jacob. He got to hang out with Papa Pete until he was 2 and then he ventured on to daycare! This was a new experience for all of us. I think it’s going to take a few weeks for me to get used to this new routine. It’s been awhile since I’ve had any structure to my day!

Last weekend Jacob came down with a touch of the flu and MaKena picked up a nice little cough. On Monday I ended up taking her to the doctor and found out she weighs 13 pounds. Go MaKena!! This weekend was much better at the Huseby house! No flu for Jacob and just a little cough for MaKena. We all got out of the house and did some visiting with family and friends. It’s so much easier to go out and about when the weather cooperates! I can’t wait to get rid of all the winter gear! Hope everyone has a great week and a Happy Easter! I hope you enjoy the new pictures I added.

Sleeping away

So sleepy!

MaKena and Jacob
All smiles!
MaKena and cousin Emma
She found her hand!