Thursday, January 27, 2011


For those of you who don’t know, Jacob had mouth surgery on the 27th of December. (I promise not to give any gross details for the people with weak stomachs like myself!) Back in October we were at a routine orthodontist appointment and I was informed the lower gums in front of his two middle teeth were receding. The orthodontist referred us to a periodontist. I’d never heard of a periodontist so I could only imagine what was in store for us. We visited with the first periodontist a week after his otho appointment. I found out Jacob was going to need a skin graft done to fix the problem with his lower gums. If we did not have this done his two bottom teeth would fall out. Not what you want to hear for your 10 year old child. So long story short I requested another referral to a different periodontist as I wasn’t impressed with the first one we visited. Thankfully I did because the second periodontist we visited was great. They gave us a lot of information but not too much to scare Jacob, unlike the first guy. I walked out of the office knowing it would be ok. So we scheduled the appointment for Monday, December 27th.

For weeks before the big day, Jacob would often mention he didn’t want to have surgery. I could tell he was terrified like any kid would be. When the day came I picked him up and took him out to lunch seeing as the next 6 weeks he’d be eating soft food only. When we got to the appointment he looked like he was going to cry. Eventually he did. The wonderful team at Great Plains Periodontics helped me calm him down and told him it was going to be ok and the worst part would be getting the shot of novocaine. I waited patiently out in the waiting room worried about how he was doing. Thankfully the procedure only lasted about 40-45 mins. They told me he did great. I wasn’t surprised; this was Jacob they were dealing with! I was brought back to the room and given instructions on how to take care of the area for the next 2 weeks. They asked if I wanted to see the graft. Knowing this was the only time he could pull his lip down for the next 2-4 weeks I gladly said yes. Wrong answer………within 2 – 3 mins I was feeling light headed and not so good. I should have known better! We left the appointment with our care instructions and were on our own.

So far everything has gone great with the recovery. Jacob had his 2 week check-up on the 10th of January and they removed the stitches. The healing isn’t as far as they’d like it to be but hopefully by his next appointment it will be further along. I can gladly say I’m glad the procedure is done. I’m just hoping we don’t have to do part of it over.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Quality time with Uncle Justin and Auntie Laura

Justin and Laura came to town the week after Christmas. They made it to town Wednesday before our big snow storm. The kids and I, Lane wasn’t feeling well so he stay home, went out to mom’s house to visit Wednesday night. Mom made dinner for us and shortly after dinner Jerene stopped by with the girls. Karisa just got done with an emergency hair cut, I guess she got her hands on a pair of scissors and decided she needed to give herself a haircut. Jerene was horrified. I thought it was cute and kind of funny but then again it wasn’t my daughter!! Laura and I were trying to snap pictures of the new hair cut while Uncle Justin was getting the kids all wound up. He’s good at that!

Before the kids and I went out to moms, Justin and Laura asked if Jacob could spend the night at Grandma Kathy’s and hang out with them the next day. I already knew what Jacob would say before I even asked him. But I had a feeling if he decided to stay I wouldn’t see him until the big storm was done. I was right. He got stranded with Justin and Laura until Saturday night. He got some good quality time with his aunt and uncle. Actually the 3 of them got stranded at Jason and Jerene’s until Saturday. I think part of that was planned!!

Saturday night we celebrated our last Christmas for the year with Justin and Laura out at mom’s house. It was a fun night. We didn’t get to spend a lot of time with Justin and Laura because of the snow storm but the time we did spend with them was a lot of fun. We look forward to the next visit.

Mallorie posing for the camera.
Justin getting the kids all worked up!
Karisa's new haircut. Jerene referred to her as Joe Dirt!!
I love this picture...............Look at their faces.
Mallorie, Karisa and MaKena sliding down the stairs.
Opening presents
The girls opening their gifts from Justin and Laura.

Jacob opening his gifts from Justin and Laura.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom’s birthday and I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to the most important woman in my life. You are best mom a girl could ask for. You’ve been my role model since I was a little girl. You are an amazing mother and a wonderful grandmother. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. We hope you have a wonderful birthday, you deserve it. We love you!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Such a big girl!!

MaKena had her 3 year check-up on December 20th. I was anxious to see how much she had grown in the last year. Thankfully she’s been pretty healthy so it had been awhile since she had been weighed. We got checked in for her appointment and waited to be called back. Eventually the nurse called her name so we headed back and MaKena hopped on the scale. I was surprised to see she weighed 31lbs 12oz and was 38 inches tall. After getting weighed and measured she had her eyes checked. The nurse asked MaKena to stand in the doorway and look at an eye chart on the wall. The chart had shapes instead of letters. The nurse asked MaKena to tell her the shapes when she pointed to them. Then I was asked to cover one of her eyes and the nurse asked MaKena to read the shapes. It was hilarious. I wish I would have had a video camera with. I remember Jacob doing this but I don’t think he was as young as MaKena. After her vision test we went back to the room and finished up with the appointment. The doctor we saw was great. She was really good with MaKena. She ended up getting 3 shots in her leg. Poor girl. She cried a little but quickly forgot all about it when the nurse handed her a pencil and some play dough. They’re easily distracted at this age! As long as she stays healthy we won’t have to be back for another year. Yippee!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christmas with GiGi

We celebrated Christmas with great grandma/grandma Ivy (aka GiGi) the Sunday after Christmas. We all met up at the Travelodge Inn in Moorhead Sunday afternoon and had a good time. Grandma ordered pizza and had a million and one snacks to munch on. The kids ran around and had a blast while the adults visited. It got a little crazy after the kids opened their present from GiGi. Grandma has 10 great grandchildren ranging from 6 months to 10 years old. Part of the present was a ball………………picture 8 kids throwing 8 balls around a room with 25-30 people. I’m surprised we haven’t gotten kicked out yet!! It was a good time.

Josey Kate -1yr (Karen and Gordon's youngest) and Gunnar -6 months (Jen and Nate's youngest) playing together.
William, MaKena and Karlee
The adults visiting

The 10 great grandchildren waiting for their presents.
MaKena with her jammies from Grandma Kathy.
Jacob with his jammies from grandma Kathy.
Uncle Jason with Karisa and Josey Kate. I think Karisa was a little jealous that daddy was holding another baby.
GiGi with her 10 great grandchildren. L-R: William, Josey Kate, Karlee Grace, GiGi, Gunnar, Karisa, MaKena, Emma - back row L-R Mallorie, McKayla, Jacob
Karisa, MaKena, Emma

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas with the Husebys

On Christmas Day we celebrated Christmas with the Husebys. We all gathered and Lonnie and Ardis’s house for some fun family time. Everyone was there, well almost, Dan, Mona, Brad, Anita, Alexis, Brandon, Brec, Isabel, me, Lane, MaKena and Jacob. It was a full house. We all visited and munched on snacks until MaKena woke up from nap. Then it was time to dig into the presents. We went around in a circle from youngest to oldest and each kid opened a present. It seemed to take a while so MaKena slowly started opening some of her gifts out of turn. Both kids got loaded up with a bunch of cool stuff. Nana and Papa made MaKena and Isabel bunk beds for their babies. Both girls just loved them. Jacob got walkie talkies from Nana and Papa. What a perfect gift for him. He loves them. After gift opening we all sat down and had dinner. Lonnie and Ardis made turkey and ham. It was very good. Some of the adults played pinnacle while the kids played with their new toys. It was a fun time.

Brandon and Isabel playing a card game.
Isabel, Papa and MaKena.
Papa and MaKena waiting to open gifts.
MaKena with her new princess shoes.
MaKena showing off her bunk beds Nana and Papa made for her.
MaKena's new pig stuffed animal from Nana and Papa. Its almost as big as her!
MaKena with her Strawberry Shortcake remote control car from Uncle Brec.
Isabel and MaKena with their animal pillows. Isabel and Brec gave MaKena the Unicorn pillow for her birthday. Look at her funny smile!
Jacob with his new mittens and ear cover thing (I don't know what its called!) from Nana and Papa.
His own walkie talkies. He was excited!
All the kids with their new hats and mittens from Nana and Papa.
The kids being goofy with their new hat and mittens.

Playing card games.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Santa Claus is coming to town.......

Yes, Santa Clause came to our house!! At least my kids think so! Is it bad if a 10 year old still believes in Santa? I think Jacob still believes. Although, the last couple years he’s asked me if Santa is real. How do you answer that? I just look at him with a serious face and say “Do you think he’s real?” He still says yes when I ask that so I reply “Then that’s all that matters.” One of these days I’ll have to tell him the truth. I’m sure his buddies at school talk about whether he’s real or not. Oh well. MaKena on the other hand, she really doesn’t grasp the whole Santa thing yet. She did tell me a couple times that she didn’t want Santa to come to her house. I think the whole stranger in her house freaks her out. I don’t blame her.

Anyway, Santa came Christmas Eve and left the kids a present and some candy. Jacob was with his dad this year so he opened his Santa gift a few days later. He was happy with what Santa brought him. On Christmas day MaKena came in and woke me and Lane up. I sent her downstairs to see if Santa left anything for her. She came running up all excited as there was a present for her. I love seeing kids get so excited over presents. The best part was seeing her face when she opened her Belle doll and horse. She loves (and that’s an understatement) horses and princesses. I don’t think we could get it out of the package fast enough for her. She loved it! Nice work Santa!!

MaKena checking out her candy Santa left.
More candy!
Belle and her horse.
Cheese.....can we say excited!
Jacob opening his Santa gift. (Poor kid, it was right after his mouth surgery - which I still need to blog about.)
Trying to get it opened.
Jacob with his Santa gift. (Lane was talking to him that's why Jacob is looking that way.)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Family Christmas

After celebrating Christmas with my family we came home and let the kids rip into their presents from us. The kids took turns and watched each other open gifts. It was cute. Every time Jacob was opening a present MaKena would be eying her next present. I was impressed at how well she waited for her turn. When her presents were all done she helped me and Lane open ours. I think she just likes to rip the paper off!

MaKena opening her first present. Jacob was all excited for her!
Jacob opening one of his presents.
MaKena loving her Strawberry Shortcake toy.
Jacob loves the Minnesota Twins so I thought he'd love a Twins calendar.
Jacob with his new Fargo Force knit hat.

MaKena opening her present from Grandma Vivian.
A new Dora trike.
Jacob with his gift from Grandma Vivian. A new scooter.