Monday, May 12, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

It’s hard to believe it’s the middle of May. We’ve been so busy, but it’s a good busy. Jacob is playing soccer again this spring. They play for 5 weeks and this next weekend is the last weekend. He seems to still enjoy playing. Just over the 2 years that he’s played, he has really grown and has gotten a lot better. He’s slowly starting to get a little more aggressive, which is good. Next year he will play on a bigger field with goalies. Right now they play 4 against 4 on small fields with no goalies. Some days it can be a hair pulling experience but most of the time I enjoy watching him and his teammates. Besides soccer, Jacob is also taking swimming lesions twice a week. So he really keeps us busy! The school year is also winding down. Only 3 more weeks and Jacob will be done with First Grade. He’s been doing really well. I think it helps that he really loves school. We are very proud of him. They have a big field trip on the 27th of May. They get to take a bus to the Wahpeton Zoo. Jacob is really excited for this trip.

MaKena is still growing like a weed. Her last doctor appointment was April 22nd. At the appointment she was 13 lbs 13 oz and was 25 inches long. She also got 4 shots, which she did not like at all. I don’t blame her! Our next doctor appointment is June 23rd. It’s amazing how much she seems to change every day. On the 3rd of May, MaKena figured out how to roll from her back to her right side and then on to her tummy. On the 9th of May she figured out how to roll over to her tummy from her left side. She enjoys rolling but eventually gets mad after being on her tummy for a while and starts to fuss. No more leaving her just lay and thinking she’ll stay put! She’s also figured out how to work her little fingers. She grabs at stuff without any trouble. She has gotten a hold of my hair but she hasn’t figured out how to pull real hard yet. I’m sure that will come. She has also figured out her voice. I think she finally realized it’s her making the noise and she continues to do it. It’s so cute! She is at such a fun age.

On May 8th, Lane and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. I can’t believe we’ve been married 4 years already. It seems like just yesterday we were walking down the aisle and dancing the night away. That was a fun night! We’ve been keeping ourselves busy with house stuff. We are in the process of selling our twin home and moving into something a little bigger. On top of that, I accepted a new job at Black Ridge Financial. Today was my first day. It was scary and exciting all in one. I worked for Bank of the West for 6 years so it was hard to leave but it was a good move and the right time. So all and all we have been keeping ourselves busy and out of trouble!

MaKena chewing on her rings.Pulling on her rings.Jacob at his school program.
MaKena and daddy
A little smile!
Pulling on her bugs
All smiles!