Saturday, July 28, 2012

Having fun at the lake

Over Memorial weekend we were invited out to Kelly Heng's parents lake place to help celebrate her parents birthdays.  MaKena and I tagged along with my good friend Katie Anderson and her husband and kids.  Jacob was spending the weekend with his dad so he didn't get to join us.  We had a great time.  The kids just loved all the room to run and play.  Aaron dug out one of Tom's (Kelly's dad) fishing rods and helped MaKena and Maddie fish.  Surprisingly the actually caught a couple fish.  Aaron would hook them and then let the girls reel the line in.  They thought that was pretty cool.  After the girls got tired of fishing they decided to roll down the hill.  Who knew rolling down a hill could be so much fun!  Then we went inside for dinner and catching up.  Kelly, Katie, Aaron, John, Tim and I visited the night away while the kids entertained themselves.  It was a lot of fun seeing our kids play so well together.  Before we knew it it was 10 o'clock and time for us to head back to Fargo.  What a fun fun day.  We look forward to getting the kids together again soon!

Maddie, Katie, Reese, MaKena and Aaron fishing.  MaKena is holding the fishing rod trying to catch a fish.

MaKena holding the fish she caught.
Reese touching one of the fish the girls caught.
MaKena touching the fish before Aaron put it back in the water.
I love this picture.  It looks like MaKena and Reese were having a good conversation while Maddie is doing her own thing!! Funny girls.
Rolling down the hill.  I bet they did this for a good half hour.
Logan, Maddie, Reese and MaKena hanging out on the bench.
A cute little photo of Miss MaKena.
MaKena holding Everly (Kelly's daughter).  She's soooo cute!!
MaKena and Logan getting a horse ride on John's back.  John was exhausted by the time he was done giving rides to all the kids.
MaKena and Maddie going for a ride.
Reese, Maddie, Everly, Logan and MaKena
Reese, Maddie and MaKena making silly faces.
More silly faces.
Logan getting in on the fun!
MaKena and Maddie passed out in the car on the way home!  They had fun!

Friday, July 27, 2012


Jacob played soccer again this spring.  He really enjoys playing which makes me very excited.  I love soccer and really enjoy watching him grow and get better and better each game.  I finally remember to bring my camera to his last soccer game this spring.  I was a rainy, gloomy day so I didn't get too many pictures.  Jacob doesn't play a specific position, so he gets a chance to play forward, midfield or defense.  Thankfully he doesn't play goalie!  That's a tough position.  I look forward to watching him play again in the fall. 

Jacob is the kid in the red pants.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kids Marathon

On Thursday, May 17th the kids and Lane took part in the kids Marathon.  This is Jacob's 4th year and MaKena's first.  Jacob is hoping to run the 5k next spring.....we'll see!  Both kids were excited.  MaKena was in the very first race of the night and Jacob ran in the last race so it was a long night!  Jacob and I left Lane and MaKena at the starting line so we could run and get some good pictures.  There were so many kids in her race that it didn't look like they got to run until half way through!  After she crossed the finish line she was given a medal and boy was she excited about that.  Jacob did a great job running the full mile.  I tried to time him but there were so many kids it was hard.  I'm guessing he made it in under 9 minutes which is great for him.  Lane had fun telling everyone he was running the half in the Fargo marathon.  Then he'd add the half mile!  The kids and Lane had a blast and we look forward to taking part in the run next year. 

Jacob, MaKena and Lane before the big race.
Jacob and MaKena
MaKena and daddy
Daddy and MaKena waiting for the guy to say GO! She looks a little excited!
Daddy and MaKena making their way back to the finish line.
The start of the 10 and older mile run.  I thought it was neat to see all the kids running from a distance.

There's Jacob.  Can you see him?  He's got a green shirt on with red and black shorts.
A picture of the two runners and their medals after their big runs.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

DARE Graduation

We attended Jacob’s DARE Graduation on Tuesday, May 15th.  Grandma Kathy joined us for the event.  I remember being in DARE when I was a kid.  I’m glad Jacob got to experience it too.  His class started DARE after the first of the year.  Each class was to pick 2 kids from their class to take part in the DARE production and commercial.  Jacob was one of the 2 kids picked from his class.  I was very proud of him.  He really enjoyed taking part in the brainstorming and production of the commercial.  Hopefully we’ll see the commercial on TV this fall.  All and all it was a great experience and I was proud of him.

Jacob lined up with his class before receiving their graduation certificates.
Jacob receiving his graduation certificate.
MaKena and Jacob.  She was a little excited to support her big brother!
Jacob and his certificate.
Jacob with his DARE officer.  (I forgot his name.)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Karisa!

Happy 5th Birthday Karisa Jo!  We hope you have a wonderful day.  I can't believe you are 5 years old already!  We love you!

Emma, Karisa and MaKena Easter at Grandma Kathy's.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Isabel!

Happy 8th Birthday Isabel!  We can't believe you are 8 already!  We hope you have a great day!  We love you and we'll see you soon!

At Brad and Anita's lake.  Makena, Brandon, Isabel and Alexis

Friday, July 20, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was a busy one at our house.  It was the last day of Sunday school for MaKena and Jacob which meant they had their annual Mother's Day program during church.  I just love the Sunday school Mother's Day program.  This year I found myself tearing up to the same song I've heard Jacob sing the last 7 years.  After church we had Lane's parents over for lunch.  Lane grilled burgers and we had a nice lunch on the deck.  Later in the afternoon we headed over to the nursing home to visit Grandma Vivian and celebrate Mother's day with my mom.  I think this was the 2nd Mother's Day in my entire life that I've spent with my Grandma.  It was great.  (The last one was the day after my wedding 8 years ago.  I could be wrong though, maybe we spent some with her when we were kids and I don't remember.  Mom will have to correct me if I'm wrong!)  Mom brought her computer with so we skyped Justin, Laura and Dylan.  It was fun to see them.  It was a great Mother's day spent with some wonderful Mothers!

Mom and Grandma visiting.
MaKena giving Grandma Kathy some loving!!
Gunnar playing with Jason and Jerene's dog Baxter.
Everyone visiting.
Mallorie, MaKena, Emma, Grandma Vivian, Jacob, Karisa and Grandma Kathy visiting with Justin and Laura on the computer.
The kids playing bus.  They are so creative!
Gunnar giving Baxter some kisses.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Having fun with the neighbor girls!

The first Saturday in May a couple of the neighbor girls came over and played at the house with MaKena.  They played Barbie's, "cooked" food, played hide-n-seek and colored.  They got along great.  It was fun to watch them play and interact together.  They've become good friends over the summer.  I have a feeling we are going to have several more play dates with the neighbor girls!   

Rosemary, Anna and MaKena coloring at the kitchen counter.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

5th Grade Music Program

Jacob had his 5th grade music program back the beginning of May.  I always enjoy attending his programs as the music teachers at his school always put together a great program.  Jacob had a little part during one of the songs about a road trip.  I was cute.  I have a feeling I'm going to miss this programs next year.  We're moving on to middle school so we'll be attending band concerts next year.  :)

Jacob in the back seat of the car.

Singing one of the many songs.