Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Picture Link to MckMama's blog


Prayers for Stellan

Please click on the picture above to be linked to MckMama's blog and pray for her baby boy Stellan. He is very sick and in the hospital. Read the full story on her blog and please pray for her family. Thanks.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Please visit MckMama's site and pray for baby Stellan. He is in the hospital with SVT (Supra Ventricular Tachycardia) and is very sick. Please pray for them.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Back in February Jacob had his 100th day of school. Each year the teachers have the kids do something to mark the 100th day of school. This year they were supposed to make or build something with 100 objects. Jacob and I decided we would use noodles and make a sign that said 100th Day of School. Jacob thought it was cool so we took some pictures. The first two pictures below are of him holding his project for the 100th day of school.

The rest of the pictures are of MaKena just being MaKena. I think Lane says she’s getting so big at least twice a week. She is growing up way too fast. She’s walking, jabbering and getting into everything more and more each day. She likes it when daddy puts her on the couch and says jump jump. She jumps on the couch (if that’s what you want to call it!) and giggles. She also dances to the music when I turn the radio on. It’s really cute. I could go on and on but I’ll stop! I’ll save the rest for another update. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Jacob holding his 100th day project.
A closer look at the project.
Little Miss MaKena crawling on her blocks trying to get Jacob's soccer picture.
Playing with her activity table.

Playing with her fake money and telling me a story. I don't remember what it was about but I'm sure it was important!
For some reason MaKena likes to take Jacob's underwear out of the laundry basket when I'm folding clothes. In this picture she was trying to get them on. She does this with daddy's socks too.
She managed to get her leg through one of the holes. She really is goofy!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Let the painting begin

A few weeks ago we started painting our basement. Jacob got in on the fun too. He was so excited to paint you would have thought I went out and bought him some huge toy he’s wanted for a long time. Heck, he can do all my painting from now on!! Just kidding. Jacob had a blast helping us paint. I had to go back over some of what he painting because he doesn’t have enough muscles to really roll the paint. But just to see his face when I told him he could help was worth it. That was the highlight of his weekend.

Taking a break to smile at the camera. He was really getting into it. Lane and I had to giggle because the way he was rolling my legs would have been sore the next day!
This was the only good picture I got of Lane painting. The other pictures he was goofing around in!
Jacob finishing the wall.
He's really getting into it!
Almost done!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm not always happy!

Lane and I have realized we have a little drama queen on our hands. She really knows how to get the water works going. Sometimes it fake and Lane and I have to turn our heads because we’re laughing at her. Most of the time she is upset because she was playing with something she shouldn’t and we told her no. But sometimes she wants us to pick her up and if we don’t do it right away she starts crying or fake crying until we do. There are times when she’ll lay down face first on the floor and start crying. It’s hilarious. I know that’s not nice to say but it is funny. Hopefully she grows out of this stage! Below are some pictures of her upset at daddy because he told her no when she wanted to play with the DVD player. (She does have her daddy wrapped around her little finger!!)

This picture was taken before she was told No by daddy. I think she is having a conversation with daddy. Not sure what she was saying! Daddy just said No MaKena and instantly she got upset. Oh boy, are we hitting the terrible twos already??
Now doesn't that just make you want to pick her up and cuddle her. Poor thing, all she wanted to do was mess around with the DVD player. What could happen?? It probably won't work when shes done playing with it!!
That was fast. She's no longer mad at daddy. Its cuddle time!
Daddy's girl!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Big Brother Little Sister

I don’t know if any of you know this but I really love my two kids! They put a smile on my face every day. Below are pictures of the kids that make me smile. The first few are of MaKena playing with a puppy stuffed animal and the rest are of Jacob trying to do his math homework and MaKena wanting to help him. Hope you enjoy!

MaKena playing with her puppy. Banging her puppy on the table. She was excited!
She was giving her puppy a kiss but I didn't take the picture fast enough. The poor dog was wet from her kisses.
Jacob working on his math homework and MaKena was pulling on his arm. I think she wanted him to play with her.
She's really studying what he's doing.
Pulling on his shirt again.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

They play so well together..........

Jacob loves playing with his baby sister. And he plays so well with her. Although I think he likes playing with some of her toys just as much as she does. It will be interesting to see if he likes playing with her toys when she starts getting into dress up and Barbie’s! I’ll make sure I have my camera ready when that happens! He is such a good big brother that I’m sure he’ll play dress up and Barbie’s with her when the time comes. Heck, she’ll probably play cars with him so it will all work out!

I just love it when I can get cute pictures like the ones below of the two kids playing together. It just melts my heart. Not that I want my kids to grow up any faster than they already are but it will be interesting to see how well they get along when they get older. Jacob is such a sweet and caring big brother. MaKena is one lucky little girl. He’ll protect her well!

Jacob playing with MaKena's toy. Look at his mouth. When MaKena plays she sometimes has her mouth open too. Look at her watching Jacob play. Cute!
Jacob and MaKena playing with her toy. I think Jacob was playing with it and MaKena came and took it away. She shares so well!
Playing together.
Jacob was trying to play a song. MaKena gave up on playing with the toy!
Oh, she's back to play!
She was really telling Jacob a good story. He was talking back to her and she kept babbling!
Jacob is playing a song and MaKena is singing. I think it was You are my sunshine my only sunshine!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

More Goofy Pictures of MaKena!

I don’t really have anything new to share. I just wanted to share some more cute pictures of MaKena. Hope you have a Great Monday!

MaKena on her Zoo Cruiser

MaKena likes to climb in this toy and then she stands up. When Lane and I tell her to sit down she looks at us and points her finger and smiles. Lane usually has to walk out of the room because he's laughing at her.
Trying to get in.
This is how she gets back out.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Goofy Pictures of Little Miss MaKena!

WOW, talk about slacking on my part. Last week I promised more updates and it has taken me almost a week to add one. Sorry about that! Well, we had another wonderful blizzard yesterday in Fargo Moorhead. Just about everything was closed around town. It was bad. Jacob’s school is closed again today. I think we are all really sick of this nice wonderful weather Mother Nature is blessing us with this year.

On a better note, Jacob tried out for his school play on Monday and he got a speaking part. I’m so proud of him. He is really excited. He has practice for the next two weeks after school. The play is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th at 1:30 and 4. So if anyone is interested in seeing a cute little play, let me know and I’ll give you more details.

Other than that, I really don’t have any more exciting news. I do have some fun pictures of Little Miss MaKena. She is such a goofball. Hope you enjoy and I promise to have another update with pictures real soon!

MaKena trying to get on her new riding toy she got for Christmas from Grandma Kathy. She loves this toy!

I'm not sure if she is looking out the window or if she sees herself.
I think the picture sums it up. I guess she liked how cold the window felt on her tongue. What a goofy little girl!
Can you see the wet marks she left on my window. I swear she gets more like her dad every day!!
This is another new face she has started to make.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So much going on......

The craziness at our house continues! Lane is still working hard in the basement. We’ve painted most of the basement and it’s so nice to finally have some color in the house. I’m looking forward to splashing some upstairs but that will have to wait until the basement is completed. This last week Lane has been working on getting the trim and doors ready. It’s a slow and smelly process but they are shaping up real nice. I’m getting excited to see what it will look like when it’s all put together. I think Jacob is getting excited to have his own space. MaKena is into everything which means he can’t leave anything out where she can get it. Soon enough he’ll have his own room, his own space. Although he still enjoys sharing a room with this baby sister. I think he likes waking up on the weekends and watching TV with her and playing with her before we get up. And I think MaKena likes having her big brother (bb) in the same room.

Speaking of MaKena, as you can see from the previous post she has started to walk. She still crawls a lot but every day she seems to walk more and more. She’s also started to get two molars in. It’s funny because she only has her 2 top and 2 bottom teeth and now she’s getting molars. I’ll be so glad when the teething is done! She’s a drooling mess some days! On the 16th of March MaKena will be switching daycare. I have some mixed emotions about this but it will be good. She is currently at a daycare in West Fargo (the same one Jacob went to when we moved over to Fargo about 4 years ago) but on the 16th she will be able to start at the daycare Jacob has been at for almost 2 years. I know she’ll be just fine there but I hope the transition is easy for her. There are lots of little kids there so I think she’ll be in 7th heaven and Jacob will be there too! It will be nice to have the kids at the same place and not have to run all over to pick them up. We are all excited for the move but I just hope it goes smoothly for MaKena.

I’ve added some random pictures of the kids. I have lots more pictures to add so look for more updates this week and next week. I have a hard time just picking a few pictures so I decided to spread them out in different posts. Also, I added a question at the top right of the blog. Feel free to answer if you’d like! Hope you enjoy the pictures!

MaKena just being goofy. She laid down on the floor one night and I couldn't resist the picture opportunity!

I just love her!
Jacob and MaKena playing with one of her toys she got for her birthday. Both kids just love this toy.
MaKena trying to get the ball. What a goof ball!
She was talking to me and Jacob. Not sure what she was saying but I'm sure it was important!
Where did the ball go?