Thursday, September 4, 2008

We moved!

We moved! For those of you that do not know, we moved into our new house the 22nd of August. It’s so nice that it’s finally done! We started this process in May and at that time August seemed so far away. Boy was I wrong. The move went very well. We moved about 4 blocks from our twin home so it was a short trip back and forth which made the move that much easier. Our new address is 5515 Sunflower Lane S., Fargo, ND 58104. Please feel free to stop by anytime and visit. I’ll have to take some pictures and post them next time.

Some other exciting news, Jacob started 2nd grade on the 25th of August. He was ready for school start. It’s hard to believe the summer is over and we’re back into the school mode again. I forgot how much work it is to try and get Jacob to bed by 8 and up by 6:30. He’s usually a morning person but 6:30 is a little early for him. This year he catches the bus just down the street, I love it. I can see him walk to the bus stop from our front window. Last year he had to walk down a block and over. So far he is really enjoying school. They seem to be moving a little faster this year so I have a feeling we’ll have a little more homework than last year. The soccer season has also started. Jacob had his first practice on Monday and he looked really good. I think he is finally catching on to the game and he says he really likes playing. He keeps saying he’s going to score more goals this year. I sure hope he’s right. He has his first game this Saturday at 1:30 at Moorhead Tech fields if anyone is interested. Should be a good time!!

Little Miss MaKena is doing great. She is growing like a weed. She has mastered the crawling stage and loves it. She can get from her room all the way to the kitchen all on her own. Granted she gets distracted by the door stops on the wall but she eventually makes it. She loves to sit by the patio door and look out at daddy and bang away trying to get his attention. And boy is she babbling. Sometimes it’s non-stop. I have a feeling when she learns how to talk she is going to talk our ears off along with Jacob! She now has two teeth on the bottom and I think she is slowly working on more. She is a drooling mess some days but it’s cute. She’s trying to figure out how to pull herself up on the couch but I don’t think she has enough arm strength to get her little body up. But in time, I think she’ll master that too! I could talk all day about all the new things she’s doing and the new faces she’s making. She is so much fun. It seems like she is doing something new every day. I love it!! Our next doctor appointment with her is the end of the month. I’m excited, no shots. Gotta run, hope you enjoy the pictures.

Sticking her tongue out!
Trying so hard to pull herself up.
This is one of the new faces she makes. So cute!
Jacob on the 1st day of school.
Sitting at his desk.
Is that comfortable?

I pulled the camera out and she smiled immediately.

All giggles!