MaKena got her 1st hair cut on Saturday, April 9th. She was such a big girl and mommy didn’t even cry! I thought I would. Its sad cutting off the hair they were born with but she really needed a trim. When Lane and I told her we were taking her to get a haircut she was excited. I’m not sure she really understood what getting a hair cut meant but she was excited and could hardly wait. We only cut a couple inches off to straighten out then bottom. When she was all done she the stylist put some glitter in her hair and she got a sucker.
Some funny little stories about her hair………..
Lately she has been a bear when it comes to combing her hair. All I have to do is open the drawer in her bathroom to get her brush and instantly I hear her saying “mommy you can’t brush my hair, ok.” Sometimes she’ll take of running when she sees me with her brush. And when I actually get to brush her hair it’s a fight. She cries, screams and even puts her hands in her hair so I can’t brush it. The thing that gets me is if daddy asks to brush her hair she is a complete angel. I guess I’ll have to teach daddy how to put ponies in her hair.
The night before we took MaKena to get her hair cut she was being a pill and wouldn’t let me comb her hair after bath. I decided to tell her that we were going to cut her hair short at her hair appointment and she wouldn’t have long hair like a princess. (In case you forgot she is obsessed with princesses.) I would never cut her hair short, at least not yet. I love her hair long. My little threat didn’t work. She looked at me and said “Snow White has short hair and she’s a princess. I want short hair like Snow White.” My 3 year old outsmarted me!
Here is a video of MaKena on the way to MJ Capelli for her haircut.
MaKena sitting in the chair like a big girl. I think she was a little more interest in all the stuff than getting her picture taken.
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