I took the kids to Rib Fest the middle of June. For those of you who don’t know what Rib Fest is I’ll explain. Every year the 2nd weekend in June (this year it was June 8 – 12) a bunch of vendors from all over the US come and set up stands in the Fargo Dome parking lot and sell ribs. There’s a contest for the best ribs. Along with the ribs there’s music entertainment each night and Games Galore sets up a bunch of blowup toys for kids to play in. On Saturday they had free parking and gate admission for a few hours so I decided to take the kids down to the dome for some fun. The weather was great. Of course there were a lot of other people with the same idea but it was fun. The kids got their wrist bands and off they went to play. After a little play time MaKena decided she wanted to play on the Rainbow Systems playground that was set up. While MaKena played Jacob watched an act that was going on under a tent nearby. He even got to toss the guy a pin while he was on a unicycle. Once the juggling act was finished grabbed some lunch and then played for a little while longer. I could tell MaKena was getting worn out so we called it a day.
MaKena getting her face painted. She LOVES to get her face painted. At home I have to watch her close because she'll take her markers and color on her face.
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