Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Zoo

The middle of August Lane and I took MaKena to the Red River Zoo. (Unfortunately Jacob was at his dads that weekend.) Lane’s parents joined us for the fun afternoon. This was MaKena first trip to the zoo and she was beyond excited. I think the last time I went to the Red River Zoo was when Jacob was MaKena’s age. It had been awhile! When we walked in the main doors they have an exhibit with a couple monkeys and an armadillo. I had no clue it was an armadillo but MaKena new right away. I was impressed! After looking at the monkeys and armadillo we ventured out to check out the rest of the zoo. MaKena was fascinated with all the fish in the little ponds and the ducks. She loved feeding the ducks. We walked into the reptile exhibit and she was busy checking out all the snakes, spiders, turtles and all the other gross looking reptiles. Lane, Nana and I struggled with this part of the zoo!! Some of those animals and bugs were gross! After checking out the reptiles we headed over to the goats, horses, and the donkey and llama area. MaKena loved the horses. I think if she could have sat on the horse she would have! We fed the goats and pet the horses and moved on the camels. We see the camels all the time when we pass the zoo on interstate so MaKena was excited to see them up close. Once we finished seeing all the animals we headed inside to ride on the merry-go-round. MaKena was in 7th Heaven. She loved the merry-go-round. After getting dizzy on the merry-go-round we checked out the playground before heading home. It was a fun filled day and we look forward to going back to the zoo again!

MaKena, Nana and Papa feeding the ducks.
MaKena looking at the baby deer.
MaKena checking out the gross spider. She was really fascinated by it.

Me and MaKena feeding the goats.

Petting the horse.

A little family photo, except we are missing Jacob.

Checking out all the different fish swimming in the little pond.

MaKena, me and Nana riding on the merry-go-round.

MaKena being a monkey on the monkey bars.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yeah, maddie has to ride that horsey everytime she rides on the carousel. Very cute.