Two weekends in a row we had some good quality family time. The second to last weekend in October Brec and Isabel were in town for a visit. We had dinner at Lonnie and Ardis’s Friday night and the whole Huseby crew was there. Isabel brought a fun game that all the kids and adults really got into playing. I’m not sure what the game was called but it involved a deck of cards with pictures of food, animals, household items, etc. on them. You put one of the headbands on your head and someone puts one of the many cards on your headband and then you ask questions and try and figure out what card is on your head. MaKena wasn’t good at keeping a secret. Many times you knew what was on your head before you could ask a question but she sure had fun playing. She liked picking out the cards and putting them on everyone’s head. Some of the items she didn’t know what they were so if you asked her a question sometimes you’d get a wrong answer. There was a lot of giggling going on that night. The kids had a blast playing and running around. It was a fun night.
Isabel with one of the many cards on her head.
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