Monday, December 24, 2012

A little game and a slumber party

On Saturday, November 3rd Lonnie and Ardis stopped over for a little visit.  While they were over the kids got out the game Jenga and started playing.  This is the first time MaKena has played Jenga and it was funny watching her try to play.  She didn't really understand the concept but knew she didn't want to knock the tower down.  I bet she hit the table half a dozen times within the first 5 minutes of the game.  I think the kids played 2 or 3 games and MaKena knocked it over every time!  She didn't care, she still had fun. Later that night the kids decided to have a slumber party in the basement.  I'm sure they stayed up way past their bed time but we didn't care, they were having fun!
MaKena carefully placing the block on top.
MaKena trying to find a wiggly one.
Jacob placing his block on top.
Sound asleep!

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