Friday, April 26, 2013

Band Concert

On December 11th Lane, MaKena and I attended Jacob's first band concert.  Lonnie and Ardis and my mom and Pat also came to watch the big show!  Now that Jacob is in middle school he is required to take a music class.  His choices were band, choir, orchestra or general music.  Jacob picked band, which surprised me.  When we found out about his band concert I was a little worried and I didn't know what to expect.  I thought it was going to be torture but I was pleasantly surprised.  They sounded pretty good.  Granted I'm not a musical expert but we were only 3 1/2 months into the school year and I'm guessing a lot of them didn't have much musical background.  I thought they did great for their first concert.  Jacob plays the trombone, which is about as big as him!!  He did great.  Its been fun listening to him practice and get better and better each time.  Hopefully he enjoys it enough to stick with it next year. 

Jacob is dead center behind the tall brown hair girl!
He's smiling in this picture. Do you see him?!
Jacob playing the trombone.

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