Friday, September 30, 2011

Fun times at the park

We love the park! If it was up to MaKena we’d go to the park every day. She loves to run around and play with all the different activities. Thankfully we have a park that’s within walking distance of our house. The park is part of the new Kindergarten Center in Osgood that was built a couple years ago. This summer they added to the original park so there’s a whole bunch of new equipment to play on. I brought my camera with on one of our trips to catch the kids having fun. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this fall and we can make a few more trips to the park.

Little Miss MaKena checking out the new playground equipment.
MaKena swinging on the new swing.
Jacob taking his turn on the new swing.
The kids getting ready to race down the slide.

The kids sitting in a new version of the merry-go-round.

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