Monday, August 22, 2011

Bingo with Grandma Vivian

For those of you who don’t know Grandma Vivian, my mom’s mom, was moved up to a nursing home in Fargo Memorial Day weekend. I love having her in town but I don’t love the fact that she has to be in nursing home. I remember as a kid growing up I always wanted grandma to live in Fargo. Every time she’d come visit us everyday we’d play Skippo, watch Days of Our Lives and take Bo for a walk. Then when it came time for her to leave I’d cry the entire day she left. I hated it when she left. But now she’s in town and I love it. One Sunday afternoon I finally remembered to bring my camera when Jacob and I went up to play bingo with Grandma. Grandma doesn’t like having her picture take so I had to be sneaky about it! Thankfully she couldn’t hear the camera click when I took the pictures!! Jacob helped grandma by putting the chips on her card. Everybody wins at bingo in the nursing home and the prizes are snacks or a dime. Grandma usually takes the snacks and puts them in her drawer for all her great grandchildren to have when they come to visit. They all know where the snacks are at grandmas! We love to play bingo at the nursing home with Grandma!!

Jacob helping grandma play bingo!
Jacob giving me a little smile!

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