Monday, August 15, 2011

Soccer with Justin and Laura

The night before Justin and Laura left to head back to Chicago, they stopped at our house for a visit and to bring Jacob back home. The visit turned into a friendly game of soccer in the back yard. If first started with Jacob and Laura, then Justin joined in on the fun. Shortly after Justin joined I decided to help Laura out and of course the girls kicked the boys butt! Actually Laura beat the boys as I was busy trying to keep Daisy in the yard. After our friendly game of soccer we headed inside and visited briefly before Justin and Laura left. It was a lot of fun having them in town but the time goes by way too fast. We are all eagerly looking forward to their next visit.

I think this was right before Justin kicked the ball over the neighbor's fence. Leave it to him to do something like that!!
An action shot.

I'm pretty sure Justin was talking smack to Laura!

Jacob trying to score on Laura.

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