Tuesday, August 16, 2011


On July 19th I was at work and I got a call from my daycare around noon. That’s never a good sign when your phone rings and its daycare. Sarah, our daycare lady, informed me that MaKena was lying on the floor by the coffee table and big glass bowl fell on her head and she’s probably going to need stitches. (We found out later that one of the little boys pushed the bowl off the table.) Instantly my heart sank. I’m pretty sure the first words I said were “Oh no” and then I said she’ll be ok. I could tell Sarah was really worried and upset. I dropped what I was doing at work and ran out the door. When I got to daycare, surprisingly she wasn’t crying. Sarah taped a gaze pad to her head in case the cut started to bleed. I grabbed her things and hopped in the car and headed for the ER. MaKena really wanted her daddy so thankfully we didn’t have to wait too long in the ER before daddy showed up. The entire time we were waiting to get called back MaKena just sat on my lap, no tears. Once we got back to the room the doctor came in and looked at her cut and grabbed the glue. Thank God, no stitches. Jacob had stitches in his lip when he was 18 months and I think I’m still traumatized by that. Before we knew it the doctor was done and out the door we went. But not before we got a hand full of stickers for being such a big girl. A month later her head has finally healed. I’m sure she’ll have a nice scare for a while but at least she won’t be traumatized by the whole process.

The before picture. She was sitting on the bed in ER room waiting for the doctor. (This picture was taken with my phone so the quality isn't the greatest.)
All glued up and ready to go. Still no smiles. Poor girl. (Another picture taken with my phone.)
A day later, showing off her owie after bath.
There's a little smile!

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