Thursday, November 15, 2012


One night the beginning of October, the 8th to be exact, the kids were playing in the basement.  I could hear them talking and giggling so I went downstairs to see what they were doing.  Here they had set up a drive thru and were playing restaurant.  I about died laughing.  How creative.  Jacob got his walkie talkies out and hooked up an old ear piece to them for the person in the restaurant taking the order.  The other walkie talkie was set up at the beginning for the person in the "car" to order with.  They even set up the play food and handed it out on a tray to the person in the car.  The best part was when MaKena got to be the person taking the order.  (I have a video of them playing, I'll have to try and load it so you can watch them playing restaurant.)  Lane and I got a good laugh while watching the kids.  It melts my heart when they get along so well.  I just love these two!
MaKena waiting at the drive-up window for her food.
MaKena paying Jacob for her food.
Jacob handing MaKena her food.
Posing for the camera.
MaKena's turn to take Jacob's order.
Jacob putting in his order.  This part took awhile because MaKena was pretending to type in his order on the computer.  
Jacob getting his food.

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